About This Game Lead a superpowered team of "Superlatives" to defend 19th-century Victorian London! Battle a Martian warship, clockwork monsters, and nefarious inventors.The Superlatives: Aetherfall is a 260,000-word interactive novel by Alice Ripley. It’s entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.The prestigious Society for the Advancement of Individuals of Superlative Talent and the Protection of the Queen has invited you to become their newest member! But on the very day the Society plans to initiate you, unknown Villains destroy the Society headquarters and kidnap your colleagues! As the sole remaining full member of the Superlative Society, you must initiate new recruits to investigate the abduction.Meet your team: Nimble—faster than lightning; Wailer—a "banshee" with sharp blades and sonic shriek attacks; Arturek—the gruff Martian warrior; Tua—a Venusian who commands the power of plants; and Black Orchid—a strangely familiar new recruit. Your efforts are bolstered by your faithful Clockwork assistant, Gatsby, and your always-butting-in rival, Hallow.Will your gain your team’s trust and convince them to work together, or will they fall apart under the pressure? Will you cut a deal with London’s Villains, or even turn the Society into Villains yourself? Will you trust the mysterious Dusk and Mr. Ink, who offer you help, or will you uncover their many secrets? Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, or aromantic Draw power from your preternatural nature, alien heritage, or genius gadgets Protect the Earth from torrential aetherfalls Keep your identity secret from your nosy landlady, Mrs. Rathbone Negotiate with minute Mercurian monarchs (Mercurians stand only four inches tall) Push your teammates to transcend their origins or pursue their destiny Foil the Nefarious Clockwork Contraptions of Dr. Eisengeist and discover his originsDon your mask, take to the skies, and God save the Queen! b4d347fde0 Title: The Superlatives: AetherfallGenre: Adventure, Indie, RPGDeveloper:Choice of GamesPublisher:Choice of GamesRelease Date: 19 Oct, 2017 The Superlatives: Aetherfall Download 13gb the superlatives aetherfall mod apk. the superlatives aetherfall paid apk. the superlatives aetherfall achievements. the superlatives aetherfall mr ink. the superlatives aetherfall download. the superlatives aetherfall achievements guide. the superlatives aetherfall unlocked apk. the superlatives aetherfall romance options. the superlatives aetherfall full apk. the superlatives aetherfall guide. the superlatives aetherfall walkthrough. the superlatives aetherfall sequel. the superlatives aetherfall characters. the superlatives aetherfall sequel. the superlatives aetherfall walkthrough. the superlatives aetherfall romance. the superlatives aetherfall guide. the superlatives aetherfall download. the superlatives aetherfall paid apk. the superlatives aetherfall romance options. the superlatives aetherfall apk mod. the superlatives aetherfall unlocked apk. the superlatives aetherfall dusk. the superlatives aetherfall sequel. the superlatives aetherfall. the superlatives aetherfall characters. the superlatives aetherfall mod apk. the superlatives aetherfall apk unlocked. the superlatives aetherfall full apk. the superlatives aetherfall apk unlocked. the superlatives aetherfall romance options. the superlatives aetherfall mr ink. the superlatives aetherfall. the superlatives aetherfall achievements. the superlatives aetherfall achievements. the superlatives aetherfall achievements guide. the superlatives aetherfall paid apk. the superlatives aetherfall romance. the superlatives aetherfall download. the superlatives aetherfall apk. the superlatives aetherfall apk mod. the superlatives aetherfall apk unlocked. the superlatives aetherfall. the superlatives aetherfall mod apk. the superlatives aetherfall guide. the superlatives aetherfall dusk. the superlatives aetherfall dusk. the superlatives aetherfall characters. the superlatives aetherfall apk. the superlatives aetherfall unlocked apk. the superlatives aetherfall romance. the superlatives aetherfall walkthrough. the superlatives aetherfall achievements guide. the superlatives aetherfall full apk. the superlatives aetherfall apk. the superlatives aetherfall mr ink A very unique superhero experience. You can build your own team, get close to them, and actually do some good. I don't know if I could have turned my team into villains, but I didn't try. This is one of the longest Choice of Games I've played, which is good. If you're looking for a good story and character development, this is for you.. Pro: You get to befriend a nice plant lady from Venus.Con: You don't get to flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.Despite being part of a series, The Superlatives: Aetherfall provides a complete story with a proper ending unlike some other choicescript games. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel and hopefully this time they'll let me flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.. Pretty great.. Pro: You get to befriend a nice plant lady from Venus.Con: You don't get to flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.Despite being part of a series, The Superlatives: Aetherfall provides a complete story with a proper ending unlike some other choicescript games. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel and hopefully this time they'll let me flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.. Pro: You get to befriend a nice plant lady from Venus.Con: You don't get to flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.Despite being part of a series, The Superlatives: Aetherfall provides a complete story with a proper ending unlike some other choicescript games. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel and hopefully this time they'll let me flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.. Pro: You get to befriend a nice plant lady from Venus.Con: You don't get to flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.Despite being part of a series, The Superlatives: Aetherfall provides a complete story with a proper ending unlike some other choicescript games. I'm looking forward to reading the sequel and hopefully this time they'll let me flirt with the nice plant lady from Venus.. This game is absolutely worth $5.99 and I will likely buy more games from this company as a result of this one. In fantasy/superhero stories you have certain basic components and if an author strays too far from those then they lose the heart of the genre but at the same time each piece has to be articulately crafted and carefully weaved together. Alice Ripley did a great job in this endeavor. The tone of the story instantly takes you on a fantastic superhero adventure through Victorian London. There's murder, mystery, action, a couple shots of humor, and even a dash of romance. I left this game open on my screen a couple of nights so ignore the play time. For an average reader you probably have about 8-10 hours on a single play through. There are so many options and branching storylines and achievements that I plan on playing it at least once more. My personal preference would have been for more elements to enhance the presentation such as graphics, music, and imagery but the screenshots show you what you're getting into so I'm not complaining. Version 0.4.2: Change logOpen Battle-Added ~20 mapsUI-Changed appearance of minimap to only show walkable areas-Aligned minimap to camera rotation-Fixed some tooltips (i.e. skills)-Added colors for hero units on minimap-Changed local hero color to white-Reduzed size of minimap icons and made them less intrusiveGame-Minor bugfixes-Minor code cleanup-Reduced the number of props visibile at all times-Performance improved. Update to v.0.1.8: Change logMisc-Fixed various bugs which were introduced in the last update. Version 0.4.5: Change logAnimations-Changed which animations are played by different units and at different speedsUI-Fixed a bug which prevented icons from being destroyed on game overGame-Fixed some minor bugsVersion 0.4.4UI-Added hero portraits to the minimap-Updated text elements of the options menu for better readabilityKnown Issues: Some dropdown menus may act weird. TMM: Entourage Update to v1.40: Change logGame-Added development age progression -Available Technology levels now depend on current development age -Integrated Order Map. Players may now give indirect orders to units in each sector of the map-Building supply has been removed from the game-General polish and updated game engine to latest engine versionUI-Cleaned up ui a bit, making space for new ui elements and improved flow-Added support for Order Map. Version 0.4.3: Change LogUI-Fixed an issue which culled text in the game over score sheet Game-Improved load times-Added checks to prevent important objects from being created in the void
The Superlatives: Aetherfall Download 13gb
Updated: Mar 18, 2020